Join our "Circles of Growth" Small Groups to grow your Community and faith even deeper!
What is the purpose of COgs?
The Mission is to Revive Believers, Reach Friends, and Reflect Christ. As a church, Growth Point’s core values are Growth, Grace, and Gather. Small groups are one way we carry out these values. By joining and participating in a small group, you realize that your experience
as a member of the GP family shouldn’t be centered on the Sunday worship experience but it should continually grow around your relationship with Christ and your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. There’s plenty of research that shows that folks who are involved in small groups at the church feel more connected with their local body.
How do I choose?​
Each semester, different groups will be offered covering various topics. Some groups will meet the entire semester, some will only meet for part of the time. It’s usually based on what the facilitator and the group members decide. This semester’s groups, their description, and when
they meet can be found below. You should select the group that most interests you! To join this semester, you have to register for a group by Tuesday, March 8th.
Put Some Respeck on It!
Erica Dunn
Weds 7:00 PM
Healthy boundaries. We all know we should have them--in order to achieve work/life balance,
cope with toxic people, and enjoy rewarding relationships with partners, friends, and family. But
what do "healthy boundaries" really mean--and how can we successfully express our needs and be assertive without offending others? By following Nedra Glover Tawwab’s Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself, we will spend our time together
working through how to effectively create boundaries in our own lives.
Downtime is Prep Time, Let’s Prepare for Your Future!
Kristen LaRue
Sat 11:30 AM
Buying a Home, Using the Equity in Your Current Home, & Exploring Entrepreneurship.
Whether you are a first-time homebuyer, or you’ve owned your house for several years, this 6-
week workshop is geared towards anyone interested in learning how to prepare their finances for
real estate. We will explore topics like: Budgeting; Strategies for Saving, How to Build &
Repair Your Credit, How to Become a First Time Homeowner, How to Sell your Current House
(Without Becoming Homeless lol), How to Use Your Equity to Build Even More Equity, Q&A
with a Local Lender, and Exploring Entrepreneurship. Downtime is prep time, let’s prepare for your future together!
Read & Rap
Stashia Emanuel
Mon 7:00 PM
Readers are Leaders! Whether you’re just beginning to read more or you’re an avid bookworm,
this group may be for you. As a group, you all will select a book to read (we’ll provide some
options!), have discussion, and hopefully make some lasting connections along the way!
Sista, sista
Melody Radford, Tia Williams & Dontryse Greer
Tues 6:30 PM
Young women, especially women of faith, need each other. Whether you’re in college, taking
care of a child or family member, navigating your career, or trying to balance it all, we are here
for you! This group allows young women a space to process life with their peers, be heard, be
valued, and given room to breathe. Be affirmed while affirming others through prayer, scripture, and devotional Bible plans.
How do I Join?​
Now that you’ve selected a group, Click HERE to register.
Remember registration closes on Tuesday, March 8.
On Wednesday, March 9, you will receive a communication from your group’s facilitator letting you know the date, time, and location of your first group meeting.
At your first group meeting, your facilitator will provide further details on how your group meetings will be conducted, how your semester will go, and be able to answer any additional questions you may have.
Wait, I have an idea for a Group!
Great! If you have a topic idea for a group in a future semester or just some thoughts on how we can improve the small group experience, please feel free to connect with Brandon or Keith and they’ll get you plugged in!
Brandon J. Colbert